Health Issues
Chronic illness
Stress & autonomic imbalances
Movement and postural dysfunction
Chronic pain
Autoimmune disorders
Senior health issues
Sleep disorders
Premature aging
Child and teen health issues

Digestive & weight problems
Chronic illness
The World Health Organization has called chronic disease the “invisible epidemic,” and is the leading cause of mortality around the world. The cost of chronic disease in rich countries, both financial and emotional, is high. While people may be living longer, they are living less healthily, and many spend the final years, or even decades of their lives in varying states of infirmity. Conventional medicine offers little, other than an ever growing number of pharmaceuticals and procedures to deal with the symptoms of the chronic illness, rather than its causes. However, a growing body of research shows that chronic illness can often be stopped in its tracks, or even reversed, with proper lifestyle and nutritional intervention. At Nourishing Harmony we approach chronic illness not as an isolated event, but an indication of overall health imbalance. Using a comprehensive personalized health assessment to part of. However, a growing body of research shows that chronic illness can often be stopped in its tracks, or even reversed, with proper lifestyle and nutritional intervention. At Nourishing Harmony we use a comprehensive personalized health assessment to first understand the root problems, and then provide various protocols meant to restore the overall balance of health.
Chronic pain
Pain is an alarm; the body’s way of telling us something is wrong and needs attention. It is an indication of some other problem, and not a disease to be covered up or medicated away. If the pain is acute, it may indicate a medical condition that needs urgent care. However, statistics show many people walk around with chronic pain that can have causes as diverse as structural imbalances and emotional issues. While pain medications may bring temporary relief, their long-term use comes with a host of side effects. In addition, masking pain with medications is like taping over a red warning light on the dashboard of your car and hoping the problem is gone, when it is actually just getting worse. The correct approach is to understand and address the underlying cause of the pain. That not only leads to relief of pain, but also restores the body to a state of health, helping to avoid more serious problems in the future.
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Sneezing and a runny nose from hay fever, or a skin rash from eating a particular food are what come to mind when most people think of allergies. In fact, allergies are far more wide-ranging than most people understand and can have a profound impact on our overall health. Perceived by the body as a direct threat on the immune system, these allergens can trigger a host of symptoms, including serious illnesses. It is possible to be allergic to virtually anything, from irritants in our environment to the foods we eat and even necessary nutrients in our foods, such as certain vitamins and minerals. Every person will react differently due to variations in genetics, constitution, and physical condition. Through various protocols, including one known as NAET, it is possible to effectively neutralize the effects of these allergens, and thereby eliminate their impact on the immune system and the health of the individual.
Stress & autonomic imbalance
Our autonomic nervous system is a biological masterpiece, engineered for our survival. When confronted by a wild animal in olden times, it flooded our body with stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, activating the so-called “fight or flight” mode. Ironically, many people nowadays are constantly confronting “wild animals,” sometimes in the guise of traffic jams or even slow-booting computers! This autonomic nervous system roller coaster and constant release of stress hormones into the body ravages our cells and organs, not to mention its tremendous impact on our immune system. Stanford University Medical School researchers have called stress the cause of at least 95% of illness and disease! It will never be possible to completely eliminate stress. However, there are many ways to manage it, and minimize its impact on our health and our lives.
Autoimmune disorder
Our immune system protects us from possibly deadly foreign bodies, including infection-causing agents. However, when that system breaks down, it can sometimes begin producing antibodies that attack the body's own tissues. The resulting autoimmune disorders can sometimes be disabling and even life threatening. It’s not certain what causes the autoimmune system to breakdown, although there is reason to believe that toxins in our diet and environment, over-use of antibiotics, and unprecedented levels of stress, may play a role. Conventional treatment often involves suppressing the immune system with various drugs, however this can cause vulnerability to infections. At Nourishing Harmony, we instead focus on supporting and strengthening the immune system, as well as controlling inflammation, which is often present with many autoimmune disorders. By supporting, rather than suppressing the immune system, the body is not left susceptible to infections.
Premature aging
The amazing healing ability of the body allows one even in advanced years and of infirmed body to get better. However, it is far more desirable to maintain the body in a state of health than to try to fix it later. To use the common phrase, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Famous Japanese doctor Shigeo Haruyama made news worldwide by opening a hospital only for healthy people to learn how to stay well. Haruyama, who is well into his 70s, but looks not a day over 50, has proven that entry into middle age doesn’t need to be the start of a slide into ill health and an accelerating regime of never ended pharmaceuticals and medical intervention. There are options, namely a variety of strategies meant to delay the decline of our cells and organs, allowing us to stay feeling younger and happier. Already feeling older than your years? Not a problem – restoring and regenerating our cell and organ function can impart newfound vitality that can in some cases be amazing.
Digestive & weight problems
Amazing new discoveries in medical science are telling us that the health of our gut is an accurate indicator of our overall wellness, especially that of our immune system. In fact, it’s now known that the majority of our immune system response resides in the gut. However, it seems few people now have properly functioning digestive systems. Complaints ranging from irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation, and loose bowels, to heartburn and abdominal pain disrupt a normal lifestyle. This has a profound impact on our whole body condition, leading to conditions as diverse as allergies and brain fog. Another problem many people struggle with nowadays is controlling their weight. Changes brought by modern lifestyles and diet means many people are also changing their clothing size much more often than they would like. Digestive malaise and the “battle of the bulge” can be averted, with well-proven protocols that include the judicious use of prebiotics and probiotics, as well as dietary adjustment, to help restore normal digestive function, and with it more vibrant health.
Movement & postural dysfunction
For most of our existence on this planet, our survival relied on spending most of our time moving. However, modern lifestyles now see many of us spending the majority of our waking hours sitting in a chair slumped over a computer keyboard or electronic device. With that has come the worst structural alignment and posture in the history of humankind, and what can perhaps be best described as “biological shock.” Research has shown conclusively that excessive sitting cuts years off your life. Nowadays, even very young people struggle with chronic back and joint pain, yet few people realize that according to research, lack of movement and poor posture plays a key role in many of their maladies. The use of gentle but effective movement patterns, of which Foundation Training™ is key, helps to restore movement function and correct postural anomalies.
Senior health issues
While senior citizens should be enjoying their golden years after many decades of contribution to their families and society, many find that enjoyment greatly reduced as they struggle with poor health. Many seniors cope daily with the management of chronic illnesses, such as arthritis and GI issues, as well as struggling with cognitive decline and dwindling mobility. The latter is often greatly overlooked, even though statistics show that for a 70 year-old, a fall has a higher two-year mortality probability than a person of the same age with cancer or heart disease. Aging is an inevitability for all of, however, it doesn’t have to synonymous with disability and pain; we can age gracefully and with joy. For those entering the senior years in relatively good health, a preventative program can greatly delay the onset of all these problems. For those already dealing with health issues, it is possible to reverse them to varying degrees, and greatly improve the quality of life.
Child & teen health issues
Many experts have expressed concern that the current generation of children may be the unhealthiest ever. Longer hours of studying than even before, intensive amounts of screen and electronic device time, limited exercise and outdoor activity, as well as nutritionally poor diets high in sugars and processed foods, are taking a heavy toll. Stunted growth and poor mental performance in school are two of the consequences, not to mention frequent colds, allergies, and fatigue, as well as depression and emotional instability. Furthermore, poor posture, highly common among most modern students, can lead to spinal problems, headaches, and vision problems. A program of simple, easy to do exercises, dietary counseling, and nutritional supplementation if called for, can head problems off before they occur, making for a productive student, and a child who is both healthy and happy.